The reusability of plastic tableware is standardized as UNE 53928:2020. This article provides an introduction..
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Which laboratory tests should importers of jewelry be aware of, and how can a testing laboratory determine the origin of a gemstone? testxchange spoke with Andreas Stratmann, Managing Director of Gemmologisches Labor Berlin.
What happens if your product fails a crucial regulatory EMC test at an accredited testing lab? testxchange talked to EMC expert Markus Ridder, founder and managing director of waveLAB Ruhr, to discuss possible solutions to deal with that challenge.
EMC testing ensures that products do not emit too much electromagnetic radiation or do not experience adverse effects when exposed to electromagnetic fields. In this article, we will discuss EMC product compliance testing in detail.
RoHS compliance ensures that products do not contain any hazardous materials. It is important for the safety of human health and the environment. To comply with EU regulations, RoHS testing must be done.
What is OTA testing and why is it important? An overview.
What is SAR testing and why is it necessary? We give an overview on the testing that wireless devices must undergo to make sure their radiation does not exceed the permissible limits.
Which cybersecurity standards and directives are currently relevant in the EU? An overview.
More and more mobile devices can be charged wirelessly thanks to the Qi standard. Here we explain what this is all about and how manufacturers obtain Qi certification.
What does LPWA mean and what is the significance of LPWA technology for the Internet of Things (IoT)? An overview.
More and more products with wireless connectivity technology are being developed for both consumers and businesses. What do manufacturers need to consider when launching these products in the EU, the US and Canada?