What happens if your product fails a crucial regulatory EMC test at an accredited testing lab? testxchange talked to EMC expert Markus Ridder, founder and managing director of waveLAB Ruhr, to discuss possible solutions to deal with that challenge.
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EMC testing ensures that products do not emit too much electromagnetic radiation or do not experience adverse effects when exposed to electromagnetic fields. In this article, we will discuss EMC product compliance testing in detail.
Toy products ending up in the EU market must comply with the Toys Safety Directive. Therefore, it is important to learn about the possible consequences of non-compliance and how to resolve it.
Which laboratory tests are needed to demonstrate the product conformity of electrical and electronic toys? An overview.
What is the role of a Notified Body in the EU for testing products? Are testing labs and Notified Bodies the same entity?
Where can manufacturers and importers have their FFP2 respirators certified? And what can distributors do to check the quality of FFP2 mask shipments?
How do you know whether the certificates provided by your trading partner are sufficient to sell face masks and other PPE in the EU?
Which testing labs can test medical protective equipment according to legal requirements?
What requirements must respirator masks and mouth/nose guards meet in order to be approved for sale in the EU?
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing is more relevant than ever. In this blog post, we provide an overview of the topic and ask three questions to Giuseppe Citera from the VDE Testing Institute.